What is The Toon?
The Toon is an issue based drama production taking a look into some of the real life issues faced by today’s young people. The Toon as a hard hitting and shocking way of providing information to young people 12 - 25 about current issues that may be affecting them or may affect them in the future.
Similar in concept to Wonderland and World of Wonka, The Toon will give young people the chance to meet some interesting characters whilst gaining valuable information on a variety of issues including suicide, sexual health, drugs and domestic abuse, rape and happiness.
The Toon will run as tours, giving young people the chance to have look round the fictional town and meet different characters in different situations. Young people will then go into a workshop with dedicated youth works where they will have the chance to further explore some of the issues faced in The Toon.
Toon Camp
Planning for The Toon begins well before the main event days, with groups of young people from across Dumfries and Galloway with an interest in performance and drama coming together to begin the creation of the full immersive experience.
A intensive camps are delivered, bringing young people together with Youth Work staff, partner organisations and tutors to take part in workshops and activities to form the basis of The Toon performances.
The Toon Camp provides the time, space and opportunity for young people to take part in Image Theatre, Improvisation, Character Development, Devising Theatre, Script Writing, Set and Prop Design and Set and Prop Building.
If you would like more information, or to get involved in The Toon, contact us below
As young people are at the heart of The Toon, it is important that they are involved in all aspects of the educational drama.
Young people in the Toon Camp take part in fun and interactive workshops to a make sure that the issues being explored in the final performances are relevant. Following the intensive camp, young people continue to meet up weekly to progress with planning for the Toon, rehearsing and refining all content and ideas.
Once on site during the build stage of the festival - young people again volunteer their time to assist in building sets and setting up their space.